Star Poetry: Chiron

Star Poetry: Chiron


Star Poetry: Chiron Class


He’s an astrological and mythological celebrity. Simply hearing his epithet – ‘the Wounded Healer’ – can be relieving, affirming, and empowering. His nature is an act of alchemy – as a centaur and demi-god, he somehow exists both above and below humanity, both God and Animal. Chiron has been given the astrological glyph of the key, and likewise, his story provides some keys to the mysteries of existence – how somehow we’re all involved in something inherently full of suffering, and yet by embracing this, diving into it, and developing a relationship with it, we can find that this suffering can turn to gold, the magical, miraculous medicine that makes life so wonderful.

In this class, we invoke the spirit of Chiron, witnessing and encouraging his action in our world, in our bodies and souls. We weave through storytelling, astronomy, and astrology, diagramming a sort of mandala and mapping his unique action in our individual lives. Chiron not only describes the nature of our personal, mysterious wounds but also our pathway to healing and the medicine we can provide to the world. He is a doctor of many modalities, and in order to truly be helpful to the world, we need to have taken a good few doses of our own medicine.